Monday, July 16, 2007

What a Day!

Boy,was today a hard day. Sometimes I don't think people know just what goes into cooking for a cafe. Being one of the main cooks,getting there at 4:30 in the morning and having to cook a breakfast buffet for a least 50 people,that's just the hot line in the cafe then you have catering to do. In the morning have 100 breakfast tacos to do for catering along with the hot line breakfast. Sonn as that gets done then there's lunch and lunch catering to worry about and somewhere in there you have to run out every few mins. to wait on customers. Of coarse there is also the clean up that comes with it. Have other people working there but they are the ones who have the thinking that if it isn't their job they are not going to lend a hand,so they go sit in the dining room when they are done and management says nothing! Somedays like today and tomorrow are days I say another day SURVIED!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

taking a break

Well Nessa just left with her kids so I'm taking a little break. I think as you get older it gets harder to keep up with these young ones,they can really wear you down,but I still have fun with them. Next Saturday I'm making a date with Jimmy's 2 girls for a girls day out. Seems like I don't see them as much. It's back to work tomorrow,this ole lady needs all the rest she can get to rise up at 4 in the morning. ttyl.

My First Day

This is my first day of having my blogspot. I wanted to have a picture and this is one of Bria's birthday party when she turned 4. Today it is raining so can't do much but lay around. Came to Jimmy's to see the grandkids and get out of the house.